It was years of hard work, a crazy pandemic, and for me personally, the loss of some family members, during the making of this game. But it is out in the world now and I know everyone at Santa Monica Studio couldn’t be prouder. My role on this game was Cinematics Producer, helping to get all the cinematics made from the script all the way to final VFX and sound going in. And there are several hours of cinematics in there so I hope you enjoy 😉 However, that was not my original job when I started at Santa Monica Studio. My first was was as a Features Producer, spending several months working on the Wolf Sled, Dragons, and traversal mechanics for Kratos. I’m so proud to have contributed to those memorable moments in the game as well.
The Metacritic is 94, which boggles my mind and is more than I could ever dream of in my career. This is what my entire journey from Australia has led to, and this is what this entire blog has culminated to. I hope you found this journey from my very beginnings studying game design, to my shipping this game of the year contender, useful and motivational to keep you going on your own game developer journey. I’m really glad I chronicled it all on this blog.
I’m not sure what I will do next. I was not expecting to work on such a high quality game so quickly – I thought it would be decades more before I would work on a 90+ metacritic game like this one. But for now, it’s time to party, and enjoy the celebrations and the praise of all our hard work.

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